I remember the first time I heard the words, “Market Ready”. My husband had just come back home from the gym, he was strutting around the bedroom, flexing his muscles, feeling like a dude. I asked him what he was working out for and he said to be “market ready” incase I ditch him for a younger model. That response made me really really really laugh. What a joker!
Since that day, we’ve had this joke between us, if we are in a happy place, we say we workout for each other, to look good for each other and keep it hot. If we are not happy with each other, he tells me he works out to be market ready. With the rising number of midlife broken marriages, I wonder about this market readiness idea. The ratio of men to woman is still unbalanced and tipped heavily in favour of men. To be honest, men don’t need to look ‘market ready’ to move from one woman to another because supply exceeds demand in all age groups.
A friend once told me that, when she asked her then freshly graduated son to lose weight to get a girlfriend, he told her that his weight didn’t matter, the size of his wallet did. Imagine?!! Even at that age! Sadly, because there are more good women than good men, he doesn’t even have to be rich. A friend and brother who is single once said he won’t want to marry a woman who is not a size 10 because, in his words, “a size 12 will become a size 16 after children”.
What about women? What do we think about this? Should women be in market ready physical shape if they want to marry or remarry? How important is this?

In David’s words, “if a woman is working out, is fit, looks good, and is good to go, what’s her bloke looking at the market for? That’s not the primary reason why a man should be faithful but, even when you see nice looking things out there, when you remember that what you’ve got at home is just as good and even better, then there’s no temptation, just contentment.”
I once heard a woman say something along the lines of, there’s more to marriage than looks, sex etc. True. However, most men like sex and are visual. If you happen to be married to a man who is like that, what’s he gonna do if he still loves you, you’re his soul mate but 1) you aren’t up for sex 95% of the time and 2) he stopped liking what he sees – (you’ve got too much excess pounds and don’t pay too much attention to your appearance). What’s he going to do?
Anyways, going back to the real reason why David and I workout, being in market ready shape is a by product of keeping fit for good health. Even though we jokingly tell each other we workout to look hot for each other, the primary reason why we workout and eat moderately is good health, good mobility which means a good quality of life as we age.
It’s not too late to start thinking more about your health. You can improve your health, get fitter at any age. Don’t think you’re too old to make an effort. Life is so much more enjoyable when you’re reasonably fit for your age.
K ❤️
Read about my fat loss challenge result:
Always a good read
Wow,what a good read. Lol at market ready. Love the youthful looks, so ep me CK. How I wish it’s possible for someone to be paid to do this workout thing o😂