My Style
I’m a minimalist fashion lover who gets her fashion fix from looking at fashion. 😉
My Fitness
I’m a fitness enthusiast (not a fanatic), who believes that regular exercise is an absolute MUST for good health.
My Work
I’m a healthy lifestyle advocate, educator, speaker, coach and weight-loss expert.
I can help you achieve your health and weight loss goals.
I can also help you get rid of unwanted belly fat and tone your whole body.
I will help you set realistic achievable goals with my 1-1 Coaching package. You will be able to sustain all your efforts.
This will result in a more confident, vibrant, happier and energetic you!
My hobbies
I love socialising, writing, most things that have a history, amazing architecture, art and culture.
My Hair
Usually in braids because it’s easy to maintain. My moto is, “the older the more vibrant”. I play around with different colour combinations for the fun of it.
For weight loss coaching or business collaborations contact me at